Automation - Finding your way around

Automation - Finding your way around

Automation for Actinic has a number of built-in features which can be used to completely automate order retrieval and some areas of processing, exports and other processes.

The main Automation for Actinic screen has a number of areas that allow you to set up some of its many features.

We have broken down these areas into 2 main sections (top and bottom) in order to explain a little about what can be set up in Automation for Actinic

Areas 1-4

1. The OSA menu.
From here you can manage your pop-up assistant messages and access the about screen as well as the usual Windows functions (minimise, close etc)

2) Pause/Run Options.
Your main "on/off" buttons, allowing you to pause the scheduler, run your next scheduled task (Run Now) or your Default task.

3) Next Scheduled Task.
This dialogue informs you of the next task scheduled.

4) Options.
Your main options screen which allows you to tailor Automation for Actinic to your requirements, telling it what to run and when.

Areas 5 to 8

5) Batch Order Processing.
Setup options for processing your orders as they are downloaded by Automation for Actinic. Allows you to format addresses, export or print reports and send order-related emails as well as other tasks.
Options set up here will be carried out if Batch Order Processing is switched on in the main Options (area 4) setup.

6) Order Status Checker.
New feature of Automation for Actinic allows you to mark orders, that fulfil various preset criteria, as they are downloaded by Automation for Actinic.
Colour code based on delivery/order country, order value, delivery type and more.
You can also schedule this tool to run on orders, within Actinic, that are not physically downloaded by Automation for Actinic itself.
With a paid-for Order Status Checker license, you can also use this option to track your packages with courier websites.

7) License Expiry Information
By popular demand, Automation for Actinic now displays your license expiry ensuring that you are able to renew your license in plenty of time before it runs out.

8) About
View your license details, software version and upgrade your installation.