Automation for Actinic : Adding a pause between order download and stock upload

Automation for Actinic : Adding a pause between order download and stock upload

Create a batch file that causes the program to pause

  • Create a batch file (e.g. C:\AFAWait.cmd).
  • Put in the line: PING -n 1 -w 10000 this will wait 10 seconds.
  • For long change 10000 to 20000 for 20 seconds. It is in milliseconds.

Update the order procesing settings to call the batch file

  • Edit the order processing settings in the main options
  • Tick the 'run program' box in the 'run program before start of order processing' section.
  • Set the task to the AFAWait.cmd file you created earlier
  • Select 'when the program exits' in the 'After starting program continue the run' section.

Change your scheduled task to run the order processing option;

  • Edit the task that you wish to add the delay to and make sure that 'other order processing and Actinic export' is ticked.

Now when the program runs the it will pause between order download and stock upload.