Automation for Actinic:Automatically closing Actinic if it stops responding or crashes

Automation for Actinic:Automatically closing Actinic if it stops responding or crashes

Automating Actinic: Automatically closing Actinic if it stops responding or crashes

If you are using Automation for Actinic, Stock Control Mole or even another process that requires Actinic to be shutdown if Actinic stops responding or crashes you can use the Task Killer to close Actinic.

NOTE: The Task Killer will close Actinic in whatever state it is in. If the Task Killer is used with Automation for Actinic or the Stock Control Mole it will only close Actinic if it has stopped responding to a task being run (e.g. downloading orders or uploading a site). If you are using Actinic on the PC aswell (e.g. to enter products) you should pause the scheduler first. This will stop the Task Killer closing Actinic.

Use the following process to setup the Task Killer to do this.

1 Open the Schedules Tasks folder, under Programs->Accessories->System Tools, shown below:

2 Click on the Add Scheduled Task icon or select the File->New->Scheduled Task menu option. The following dialog is displayed.

Click on the Browse button.

3 In the File name: box type in C:\Program Files\MoleEnd\Automation for Actinic\V8\ME_TaskKiller.exe. You should change V8 to V9 if you are using Actinic V9 (or V7 for Actinic V7 etc.).

4 Leave the name as it is and select Daily as the choice of when to run and click on Next

5 Select Every Day in the Perform this task section and click on Next.

6 Type in the password for the user who will run the Task Killer. This would normally be the person currently logged on. Click on Next.

7 Click on the Finish button.

8 Select the new task (in the Scheduled Tasks folder), click the right mouse button and select the Properties option.

9 In the Run box enter the following text (including all the double quotes).

"C:\Program Files\MoleEnd\Automation for Actinic\V8\ME_TaskKiller.exe" -B -P "Catalog.exe" -X -D 10 -A

Replace V8 with your version of Actinic (e.g. V9 for Actinic V9).

This will run the Task Killer and wait 10 seconds before checking to see Actinic is running. If it is the Task Killer will close it. If Automation for Actinic or the Stock Control Mole is running a task (e.g. downloading orders) it will wait until it has finished before checking to see if Actinic is running.

10 On the Schedule tab click on the Advanced button.

11 Click on the Repeat task box. Change the duration to repeat the task to the same time as you have set your Automation task to run. Set the Duration to 24 hours. An example is shown below to run the Task Killer every 5 minutes. This is the same time as the scheduler is set to in Order Processing for Actinic Automation.

12 Click on OK.