Automation for Actinic: New orders are not detected on website

Automation for Actinic: New orders are not detected on website

If you have Only run tasks if orders have been placed in the schdeuled task options and new orders are not detected this maybe down to that the location for the order files to check is not correct.

When you run Automation for Actinic it works out where to look for order files and places this location in the registry at:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Mole End\V9\Stock Control Mole\Site1

Where Site1 is the name of the site.

On the right hand pane is a value called


Edit the value to correct any problems. An example is shown below:


This path does not work on some servers. The resultant path should be changed to


Note: If you default path shows as
/cgi-bin/../acatalog/ (ie. without the www) then try changing just to /acatalog/

If this still does not work, it may be necessary to untick the "Only run tasks if orders have been placed" box to enable a successful order download.