Automation for Actinic/SellerDeck leaves FTP processes running

Automation for Actinic/SellerDeck leaves FTP processes running

You may notice that there are ftp.exe or ftp32.exe running on your PC from time to time. This is used by Automation for Actinic/SellerDeck to check the remote website for orders (without running up Actinic/SellerDeck). Under certain circumstances multiple occurances of these processes may be left running. If this happens a lot (and they aren't eventually automatically removed from the running processes list) you can use the following approaches to resolve the issue.

Automation for Actinic uses this to check for orders remotely on the servers.

1. You should make sure that the FTP process and Automation are added to the trusted apps on the Firewall.
2. You can use a different approach for Automation to check for remote orders by changing the value in the registry under HKEY_CURRENT_USER (using regedit)

Software\Mole End\V2013\Utilities\RemoteFileCheck

the Actinic version shown may be different (in the above it is V2013).

If you change the value for


to be


this will use a different method to check for orders (using Internet Explorer).

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