Automation for Actinic: Using with Sage to Actinic link

Automation for Actinic: Using with Sage to Actinic link

If you are using Sage and want to transfer information from Sage to Acinic (e.g. product details, customer details) automatically you can use the following approach:

1 Create a batch file with the following information:

"C:\Program Files\MoleEnd\Automation for Actinic\V7\ME_TaskKiller.exe" -B -D 20 -P "Actinic Link for Sage Line 50 (Actinic to Sage)"
@ping -n 20 -w 1000>null
start /B cmd /c "C:\Program Files\Actinic Link\Sage Line 50\SageToAct.exe"
"C:\Program Files\MoleEnd\Automation for Actinic\V7\ME_TaskKiller.exe" -B -D 50 -P "Actinic Link for Sage Line 50 (Sage to Actinic)"

NOTE: You should replace V7 for your version of Actinic being used (e.g. V8).

An example name for the batch file is c:\temp\CSWSage.bat

2 In the Order Processing tab in the Automation for Actinic options enter the name of the batch file in the Run Program at End of Processing area (e.g. c:\temp\CSWSage.bat).

3 Select When the program exits

4 Tick Run Actinic Export

This will now run the Actinic to Sage link, wait for 20 seconds (using the ping command to a non-existant IP address emulating a sleep command), end the Actinic to Sage link, start the Sage to Actinic link and wait 20 seconds for that to finish and then end that process.

NOTE: The reason why the Actinic to Sage processes are ended is because at the end of their processing they display a confirmation dialog which can't be automatically dismissed.