Setting up your Sellerdeck�site in Order Processing for Sellerdeck
When you first start with Order Processing for Sellerdeck, you will need to ensure that it is able to see the orders from your Sellerdeck�site.
If you only have one site, it may load up by default.
If you have more than one site and the site you wish to use, in Order Processing for Sellerdeck, is not the current site in Actinic, you can change it by using the "Change Site" option.
From here, you can tell Order Processing for Sellerdeckto use
Local Sellerdeck Sites - on your machine
1) Current Site - this means that the orders displayed will be all the orders from the open, or last used, site in�Sellerdeck
2) Select Sellerdeck�Site - this will enable you to select a different site (from the same version). �This is useful if you maintain several sites and tend to switch between them in Sellerdeck.
Remote Sellerdeck Sites - on another machine on your network
You need to set up BOTH of the below prompts
3) Sellerdeck�Folder - point this to the folder, on your network, that contains the Catalog.exe PROGRAM. It may be under Program Files or a different hierarchy on the network. Note: it is the program folder you need to point to (eg Sellerdeck�V10 etc)
4) Sellerdeck�Sites Folder - This needs to reference the folder that holds your SellerdeckSITES. In V8 onwards, this will usually be stored in a Documents folder.
You need to ensure that both folders, referenced in 3 and 4, are available for sharing, on the network. This includes allowing read access to catalog.exe for other PCs that need to access it. You can do this by checking the permissions tab on the Catalog.exe program and adding users if required.
This should give you complete access to any sites, set up for sharing on the network, and access to their orders through Order Processing for Sellerdeck.