How to add new data to Actinic / Sellerdeck and use it in your feeds

How to add new data to Actinic / Sellerdeck and use it in your feeds

If you need to add new data then you can do this by creating�User Defined Properties (V8 and above)�or�Custom Variables�(V7 and below) and adding the appropriate values to your products / sections before generating your feed file. �You can then tell our program to use these values when generating the feeds.

Actinic V7 and earlier and V8 and higher deal with custom values in different ways, the articles below explain how to set up custom values and use them in your feeds.

V8 and higher :

V7 and below :

Simplified Hierarchical import formats for Actinic / Sellerdeck :

V8 and higher :

V7 and below :