Including / Excluding products from your feed

Including / Excluding products from your feed

Automatic exclusion

The main options page has several options that can be used to exclude products from your feed.

Exclude 0 value products � products with a zero price will be excluded, note that if your product is using component pricing if may also be excluded if the main product does not have a price entered.

Exclude product duplicates � if ticked, product duplicates will not be added to the output file.

Exclude out of stock products � when ticked, products that have stock control enabled and are out of stock will not be included.

Exclude products that cannot be ordered online � when ticked only uploadable items will be included in the feed.

Ignore �Exclude from Google Product Search Data Feed� setting� - if ticked, even items that are marked to be excluded from the google will be included in the feed.

Include Hidden Products � if ticked, hidden products will be added to the output file.

Excluding specific products or sections

You can also choose to exclude particular products or sections from a feed, this settings is different for each feed that you produce. ��

You will first need to add information to Actinic / Sellerdeck to say whether to include a product or not.� The variable to create must have a type of true/false.� If it does not then it will not appear in the drop down list you are offered when you try to setup the mash.� The knowledgebase article below explains how to add new information to Actinic / Sellerdeck.

When you create your feed, set the default and top level values to true if most of your products will be included, or false if most of them need to be excluded.

When the data is available, you need to go to the options page for the feed you wish to customise and check the �Check value before including� box, then click on the SELECT button to add the appropriate variable to your feed options. � You can use the same variable in Actinic / Sellerdeck for several feeds but you have to set up the Include / Exclude option in each of them.

The article below explains how to add custom data to Actinic / Sellerdeck

How to see which products have not been included and why

After mashing your feeds, you will be told how many products have been processed, how many have been included and how many have been excluded.� If you want to see which products have been excluded and why you can click on the button called �Show errors and exclusions� on the main options page to display a list for each feed.