ProductMash: How to include a manufacturer (or other customvar) in your description

ProductMash: How to include a manufacturer (or other customvar) in your description

If you want to include the product manufacturer in your product description you can use the following approach.

This is an example for including the manufacturer before the product description for a Googlebase feed (or other feeds)(in the form Manufacturer - Description) .

The Manufacturer is defined as a CustomVar (or Variable in Actinic V8).

1 Define a custom var (Actinic V7 or below) or Variable (in Actinic V8), called NEW_DESC.
2 For each product, to use this approach for, create a value of the form {Manufacturer} -
!!Description!!. Where {Manufacturer} is shown replace this with your manufacturer. An example of this is shown below:

3 In the Googlebase options create a Custom property called description and assign the defined custom variable (or variable), in this example assign NEW_DESC to the value. An example for Actinic V7 is shown below:

NOTE: This can be used for an other field by using the appropriate macro (defined at