ProductMash: How to use Short, Long descriptions, Extended info and text files all at once for products

ProductMash: How to use Short, Long descriptions, Extended info and text files all at once for products

If you store your product information within Actinic in multiple description areas and in text files you can use the following approach to include this information within the product mash. This can be used to map to other formats in an easier manner (e.g. Ebay)

Using the following example of how each product is set-up.

Short Description �- Product Name
Long Description �- Manufacturer
Extended Info - Product details

CUSTOMVAR (called FULLDESC) (text with 'use file content') - Full Description

Product Name
Select Use Product Short Description on the main Product Mash options. For each feed type this will map to the main item's title. If you want to use this value else (e.g. for an Amazon search term) use the !!Title!! macro in your variable definition.

Where the manufacturer is defined, or for Googlebase Brand, use the !!Description!! macro in your variable defintion.

Product details
Again, you can use the !!ExtendedInfo!! macro.

Full Description
When you set-up your custom var (in Actinic V7 or earlier) tick the use file content option on the product properties and include the relevant value. The text from this file will then be replaced in the feed. For Actinic V8 you will need to change the Type to File content in the Basic Definition tab in variable definition (in the Design Library).

For an example on how to set this up using Actinic V8 (or above) see the following article:

An example of this use is shown below:

More Advanced Mashing information can be seen at the following link: