ProductMash: Which login details do I use for Googlebase and GoogleSitemap

ProductMash: Which login details do I use for Googlebase and GoogleSitemap

The Product Mash can automatically upload your Googlebase and Googlesitemap files. To do this you must enter the correct username and password in the relevant Product Mash options pages:

The details that you need are the Googlebase ftp details. In Googlebase you need to create a bulk upload feed and then create an ftp account (within Googlebase) to allow you to upload to the google servers. Which ever names you choose for the username and password (for your Goolgebase FTP account) enter the same names into the product mash.

NOTE: The username isn't your Googlebase login (e.g. it is the FTP account name (which you must manually create within Googlebase), for example, support465.

These are hosted on your server and you configure Google to look for your sitemap file on your server. These login details are normally your Actinic ftp settings. You need to make sure that the Path to Root is etup correctly (for more information see the following article