Some of my product details are not being included in the mashed file

Some of my product details are not being included in the mashed file

Scenario : There is information missing from the product feed - such as parts of the description or other fields

If you have HTML in your product descriptions you can remove this using the Remove Embedded HTML option. There are 2 types of HTML to remove :

Remove embedded HTML

This will remove all of the HTML from the product details - including any data within it, Actinic sometimes puts it's markers around all of the text in a field - the description usually - and so if that has happend and you use this option, the description will appear to be blank.

Remove Actinic Markers

This will only remove the HTML that Actinic places within the product, leaving any specific HTML that you want to pass through to the feed.

Get text from HTML

This will remove all the HTML markup from the text and just include the text.

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